History and How EFT work
- the past 30 years have seen an amount of research in the relation between electricity and elegtromagnetic fields and living organism.Esteemed researchers and multitude of respected scientist have shown that abnormal phycology is accompanied by abnormal electrical charge.
- While in Western Medichine the concept of energy flow in the body has been largely forsaken many healing tradition from around the world are based on teh balance and flow of energy.
- the basic theory in these systems of healing is that illness is caused by an imbalance in the flow pf energy in the body and that restoration of normal energy flow can help restore help.Our bodies are continually producing minute D.C currents through both mechanicals and chemical means. These currents follow the paths of lease resistance which are in essence like an electric grid for the body. This is how, for example, the ECG is made possible.
- one of very significant affect of Electrostatics is moves water. with our bodies being about 70% made of water, anything that has a strong effect on water can profoundly influence the phisiology.
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